Role of Configuration Controller

What are the roles of CC (Configuration Controller) in project?

Questions by catchsl

Showing Answers 1 - 6 of 6 Answers


  • Sep 29th, 2009

Configuration controller maintains the versions of the project. CC has the details of tracking records like each and every version whats the changes between the versions, who had done the change.

In software engineering, the Configuration Controller tracks and controls changes in the software.  Their practices include revision control and the establishment of baselines.  Depending on the size of the company, the role can include any number of the following tasks:

1) Identify configurations, configuration items and baselines.

2) Implement a controlled change process.  This is typically achieved by setting up a change control board whose primary function is to approve or reject change requests that are set against any baseline.

3) Recording and reporting all the necessary information on the status of the development process.

4) Ensuring that configurations contain all their intended parts and are sound with respect to their specifying documentation, including requirements, architectural specifications and user manuals.

5) Managing the process and tools used for software builds.

6) Ensuring adherence to the organization's development process.

7) Managing the software and hardware that host systems. 

5) 6) 7) is generally performed in other roles in larger companies.


If we are developing the sofware means definitely there would be some changes so proper maintanance needed in this situations so here configuration controller plays a vital role..

He mainly concentrated on 2 sections

-> Version Control: Need to maintained the version for all docs ( plans codes srs etc)
if at all change happened.

-> change control: When ever received a change then need to verify which docs has to
be changed.



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