Update Strategy Transformation

Why the input pipe lines to the joiner should not contain an update strategy transformation?

Questions by anoopsharp

Showing Answers 1 - 6 of 6 Answers


  • Nov 21st, 2009

Update Strategy flags each row for either Insert, Update, Delete or Reject. I think when you use it before Joiner, Joiner drops all the flagging details.

This is a curious question though, but I can not imagine how would one expect to deal with the scenario in which both the joiner transformation incoming pipelines have update strategy. In that scenario it would make it really complicated to join the rows flagged for different database operations (Update , Insert, Delete) and then decide which operation to perform. To avoid this I think Informatica prohibited Update Strategy Transformation to be used before Joiner transformation.

This scenario is illogical, First we need to understand the functionality of each repository object.

Update strategy: This transofrmation is used to maintain the transaction data based on different flags(I.e INSERT,UPDATE,DELETE and REJECT)

Joinner: where as joinner used to join hetrogenious source I.e a source's which belongs to diffenrent DB.

Coming to your question, as Joinner used to join hetrogenious sources it really hard for joinner to join the data based on different flags like UPDATE,REJECT,DELETE. So might be Informatica does not provide a this type of provision.

Joiner will join two groups of data either homogeneous or heterogeneous, and this join will happen horizontally.

One scenario why use of update strategy is prohibited upstream of joiner t/f as below
Group 1 -> Update strategy might flag rows as insert type
Group 2 -> Update strategy might flag rows as delete or update type

Since joiner use to join these two groups horizontally making two group records as one single record so which row type should be considered by informatica in the single row after join. It's the case of ambiguous state.

If anyone has concrete explanation please share here.

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