Passive Router Transformation

Router is passive transformation, but one may argue that it is passive because in case if we use default group (only) then there is no change in number of rows. What explanation will you give?

Questions by pawarpossible   answers by pawarpossible

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  • Member Since Aug-2009 | Aug 14th, 2009

Router is an Active Transformation, Most of the time we use router only when we are going to apply multiple conditions on a records, It is absolutely possible for a record to satisfy one or more conditions thus making the router Active, Router is the only active transformation where the number of output records from the transformation is greater or equal to the number of input records given to the transformation.

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If we use only the default group in a router then there is no need to use the router Also that needs to be avoided as unncessary use of any transformation would slow down the ETL process. About why router is termed as passive- Router transformation unlike any other active transformation like normalizer,filter,sorter etc doesn't play with the records(data), rather it just splits the records based on condition we provide in the group.

Router is an Active Transformation, Most of the time we use router only when we are going to apply multiple conditions on a records, It is absolutely possible for a record to satisfy one or more conditions thus making the router Active, Router is the only active transformation where the number of output records from the transformation is greater or equal to the number of input records given to the transformation.


  • Aug 19th, 2009

Router is Active transformation, it is used for multiple conditions purpose.
Why it is active transformation means suppose one ROW satisfied two or more conditions that row will comes out more than one same row to the router, so the row will come here number of rows.

Passive transformation is that where no. of inputs is equal to no. of outputs, and from a router transformations no data will be rejected, and you will be getting each and every record which is coming in to it. So Router is passive.


  • Oct 23rd, 2009

Router is not a passive transformation but it can acts as passive. It uses multiple filter conditions. Filtration is a part of data cleansing. So the transformation which are used for cleansing of data are the active transformation. All the active transformation behaves as passive transformation according to some conditions and incoming data but we cannot call these transformation as passive due to that situations.

In router you are going to route the records based on the condition. Records which has not satisfy the user defined condition will go to the default condition in the router. so ultimately what ever records we are getting as a input will come as output in one way or another.

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  • Oct 30th, 2009

Router transaction is a Active transaction, why it's possible one input value it will give no of group values based on condition. In this case it will satisfy the active type (you can change the noof values either group or conditions wise so it is active in nature).

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Who said router is a passive transformation. Go thorugh the powercenter transformation guide once again and check it. Its an Active and Connected transformation. Let me know if you are interested in knowing why?

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I think there is fair bit of confusion over whether router is active transformation or passive transformation. The answer to that is router is an ACTIVE transformation.
My answer to the question (PASSIVE ROUTER TRANSFORMATION) was based on the context it was asked. Router without any specified groups would have just the default group in it hence would act as passive transformation and solve no actual purpose. It will not play with the number of records and further more it will hit performance also.  Inability in conveying the resolution properly is regretted.  :-)


  • Nov 12th, 2009

A transformation is called active if it varries the number of rows passing through it, just say total incoming rows=1000 and total outgoing rows < or > 1000.

in case of router transformation count of total output rows in all the routing groups is equal to the total incoming rows. So we can say in any case defined group or default group Router is always PASSIVE.

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  • Apr 12th, 2010

Basically Router is not a passive transformation. Its an active Transformation.
A transformation that allows rows to pass through it is an Active Transformation. In this case Router does allow rows to pass through it.

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In informatica their is ample of transformation by nature which is ACTIVE/PASSIVE, its upto a developer how he/she wants to use the functionality likewise Router is Active by nature which means number of input records from transformation not equals to o/p.

If configure router transformation in the mapping whose group conditions are TRUE  then this will act as Passive likewise take the example of LOOKUP and SORTER.

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Router is an Active Transformation. Just because if we use only defalut group, it will not be changed to a passive transformatio as it is same case as using a filter with a true condition.

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Router can act both active and passive, one example....
Suppose in source we have records

We have one target table and one error table.
According to Bushiness Logic ID should not exceed than 30.
if any record comes with ID greater than 30 ,that should be loaded in to error table
so in router we created one group Giving filter condition (ID<=30)

so now according to source data all recoRds belongs to 10,20,30
goes to our target.
but last record rejected due to filter condition so now this record goes to difficult
group of the Router transformation.
now if we connect this difficult group
to our error table the last record is also loaded into error table.
so guys Think no of records coming out of source=6 and no of record coming out of router transformation=6
so why we can't tell router as a passive trans as it returned same no of rows

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  • Aug 17th, 2011

AS PER INFORMATICA DOCUMENTATION, Router transformation is ACTIVE and CONNECTED.. Please Don't thumb down if you're not sure..

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