Impact Analysis

What is Impact analysis? As a tester how will you do impact analysis in your project?

Questions by mathan_vel   answers by mathan_vel

Showing Answers 1 - 14 of 14 Answers

Suppose after completion of an application or module, if another module is to be added, then we need to test the new module as well as the impacted area which is affected by adding a new module.

Impact Analysis will be done to find the impact area of the application by adding a new module. Generally team lead will take the initiate for this.

Team lead will send a mail to client asking for the impact area (if developer is new to domain), also send a mail to development team and testing team asking for the impacted area. After getting the response of all three, team lead will do the consolidated report of all the mails. This consolidated mail will be given to the Test Engineer saying this is the Impact Analysis Report and these are the impact areas.



  • Aug 7th, 2009

Impact analysis is required when :

1. Testing after Bug fixing
2. Application is Upgraded
3. New module is added

All the cases better to discuss with developer for detail Impact analysis. If developer is not available then check th edesign doc and funcional diagram for data flow and find the dependency with fixed or added modules.  All the modukes are depended on the fixed/Added module are under the possible impact area.


  • Aug 8th, 2009

Impact analysis- analysis to test toughness of a material ie. its ability to absorb energy during plastic deformation. Tougness takes into account both strength and ductility factor. Impact strengths are generally lower than strengths achieved under slow loading. For testing impact strengths we have 2 basic tests- 1. Izod test 2.  Charpy test

Izod test- It consists of testing toughness of a material keeping it fixed and making a notch in it and striking it with the hammer...the impact is ;read by a pivoted device.refer to web for diagrams.

Charpy test- similar to izod test except that here the job is simply supported. rest everything is same.
refer to figure for the difference . gif

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Impact analysis in software testing is the process of understanding the complete effect of a particular change in order to determine how this change will impact the testing process. 

Impact analysis is required when:

1) there is a change to the requirements
2) a change request is introduced to the product
3) introducing a new module or functionality to an existing product under test
Impact analysis answers the following questions:

1) What modules or functionalities are impacted by this change?
2) Precisely how are these modules or functionalities impacted?
3) What new test cases must be created to cover the new module or functionality?
4) What new test cases must be created to cover interactions between the new and existing modules or functionalities?
5) Are there any test environment or other system requirements that must be dealt with in order to test this new module or functionality?
6) Does the new module or functionality require changes to test processes?
7) Will new module or functionality require new test tools and/or training?
8) How does this new module or functionality impact test estimations in terms of time and resources?
9) How does this new module or functionality impact our test closure or end date?

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When new module is added to an application or change request is raised to an existing module, the change part may introduce impact or regressions on other unchanged part of an appliaction. Analysing such part which is going to impacted is known as Impact Analysis.

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  • Feb 2nd, 2015

Impact analysis is basically analyzing the impact of the changes in the deployed application or product.
It tells us about the parts of the system that may be unintentionally got affected because of the change in the application and therefore need careful regression testing. This decision is taken together with the stakeholders.

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  • Nov 12th, 2015

Analyzing the impact of the changes in the deployed application or product. Regression testing need carefully.

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