Informatica Production Support Member

What is the responsibility of a Informatica production support member?

Questions by geetham   answers by geetham

Showing Answers 1 - 4 of 4 Answers

Production support means, whenever a problem/Error rises while the product is
running we have to identify that problem/Error and solve it, or intimate about
that problem/Error to the concern person, who is responsible for that

Informatica production support means, we have to watch the workflow monitor
carefully, is all workflows and all Tasks are running properly or not. (Means
data is loading in the proper way and to the right targets, and at the right
time, or not).

If any problem/Error rises:
1) We have to resolve it, and restart/recover that certain workflow and task.
(If that error reservation responsibility is only ours).
2) Intimate about that error to the concern person, which is responsible for
that error. (If that error cont solved by us).

Here problem/Error means - workflows and tasks are not running or, they are
not started at the scheduled times or, some problems occurred at the data
loading, or any server is down << Informatica server>> << Repository server>>

1) Have to monitor the scheduled jobs or run the workflows and scripts which needs to run the day.
2) If any issues or job fails, Immediately check the logs and contact with support team if needed. Frequently have to intimate all responding peoples.
3) Maintain the root cause analysis & issues tracker sheet
4) Have to provide the value added points and try to improve the current process much better.
6) Maintain a log files, screenshot, run statistics

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