Calculate Minimum Number of Expected Testcases

How can we calculate minimum number of expected testcases for a product?

Questions by Jash.puri

Showing Answers 1 - 4 of 4 Answers


  • Jun 25th, 2009

The minimum number of testcases cannot be counted directly. Only based on requirements, we can calculate the minimum number of test cases.

Using SRS-->Functional requirements-->Function point analysis will be done, based on that, testers can do test point analysis-->based on that no.of.test cases can be calculated.

Remember it is only one of the way, other ways are also practiced.

EMC is one of the methods, EMC stands for Easy Medium and Complex functionalities, we can roughly allocate, easy functionality--> x no.of test cases ; medium functionality-->y no.of. functionality and complex functionality-->z no.of. functionality, so the no.of. test cases can be

Total no.of. test cases = {X * no.of.easy functionalities} + {Y * no.of.medium functionalities} + {Z * no.of.complex functionalities}

again, it is not medium no.of.test cases, but a fair estimation of test cases.


  • Sep 14th, 2009

You can calculate minimum number of test cases based on the Requirement Specification. 
Functionality details, validations for input, mandatory fields entry, validations for command buttons, while loading the functionality/screen what required, the pre-requisite for the application/function.
The macro level study should be conducted for the same.
The test cases can include Positive, Negative, Equivalence partitioning, Boundry value analysis, Data testing.
Also while calculating the minimum number of testcases you should also keep in mind the test coverage.

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