Universe Design

How will you ensure that the universe designed is optimum?

Questions by richaduggal84

Showing Answers 1 - 2 of 2 Answers

Some of the precautions you should always keep in mind: • Do not use automatic universe creation tool, design your universe piece by piece and insert one table at a time also the joins and cardinalities should be added step by step. • Table structure and arrangement should be as per business logic. • No tables should be such that they are not joined to any other table. • No Joins should be such that they are not included in any context and each context should have proper name aligned to business. • Use aggregate awareness, wherever possible or needed.

Best way to make sure Universe Design is optimum is by following the best practices. couple of things which we can look into for optimisation

1. Connection parameters are set as per the underlying datbase system.
2. Joins in the universe structure. When i say joins we need to make sure that queries traverse minimum nuber of tables.
3. Check Objects and try to use as less SQL functions as possible. Try to get most of things as attributes in ETL or database itself.
4. Make sure derived tables are used as last resort.
5. Unneccesary objects are removed from universe before moving to QA/Production.
6. Make sure LOVs are only ticked for objects which may be or are used in reports. By default most of the time , every object has lovs. So we need to make sure we do not end up making universe bigger than it should be.
7. Make sure Date prompts are defined properly. Make sure LOVs used in Date Prompt do not have time stamping. I have seen this making lot of difference. Date Prompts sometime take time to refresh and this is only because LOV it is trying to show has time element. This leads to 100s of different combinations.



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