RMAN Calatalog Database

Is it possible to take backup of catalog database using RMAN? If Yes, How?

Questions by krishnaprasad.sola   answers by krishnaprasad.sola

Showing Answers 1 - 8 of 8 Answers


  • Mar 23rd, 2009

For my understanding can we take backup the catalog database through RMAN

1. yes possible to take backup like
rman target / catalog catalogdbusername/password@catalogdbname

How ever it wont be good to have backup like this better to go with offline
usermanged backup

2. just say rman and then target as your catalog database and take backup but
still it wont be advisable as there is no use of it too

Rajesh RD

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  • Aug 6th, 2009

Yes, Schedule a Schema level Export backup of the RMAN Catalog Database in Task Scheduler or CRON

Exporting the Recovery Catalog

This example uses the Original Export utility described in Oracle Database Utilities to create a logical export of the recovery catalog. Refer to Oracle Database Utilities for concepts and procedures relating to the Data Pump Export utility.

The following procedure creates a logical export of the recovery catalog.

  1. Execute the Oracle export utility at the operating system command line, making sure to do the following:

    • Connect as the owner of the recovery catalog

    • Specify the OWNER option

    • Specify an output file

    For example, if the owner of the catalog in database catdb is rman, you can issue the following at the UNIX command line to export the catalog to file cat.dmp:

    % exp rman/cat@catdb FILE=cat.dmp OWNER=rman

  2. Examine the output to make sure you were successful:

  3. Export terminated successfully without warnings.

Importing the Recovery Catalog

This example uses the Original Import utility described in Oracle Database Utilities to create a logical export of the recovery catalog. Refer to Oracle Database Utilities for concepts and procedures relating to the Data Pump Import utility.

To make a logical import of the recovery catalog from the command line:

1.      Create a new user in another database.

2.      Import the catalog data from the export file. Execute the import at the command line, making sure to do the following:

  • Connect as the new owner of the recovery catalog.

  • Specify the old owner with the FROMUSER parameter.

  • Specify the new owner with the TOUSER parameter.

  • Specify the import file.

For example, assume the following:

  • The old owner of the catalog in database prod1 is rman.

  • The user in the new recovery catalog database catdb2 is rman2.

  • The file containing the export of the catalog is cat.dmp.

The command is then as follows:

% imp USERID=rman2/cat2@catdb2 FILE=cat.dmp FROMUSER=rman TOUSER=rman2

Method 2:

When backing up the recovery catalog database, you can use RMAN to make the backups.  you should start RMAN with the NOCATALOG option so that the repository for the recovery catalog is the control file in the catalog database.

Follow these guidelines when developing an RMAN backup strategy for the recovery catalog database:

  • Run the recovery catalog database in ARCHIVELOG mode so that you can do point-in-time recovery if needed.

  • Set the retention policy to a REDUNDANCY value greater than 1.

  • Back up the database onto two separate media (for example, disk and tape).

  • Run BACKUP DATABASE PLUS ARCHIVELOG at regular intervals, to a media manager if available, or just to disk.

  • Do not use another recovery catalog as the repository for the backups.

  • Configure the control file autobackup feature to ON. 

RMAN catalog is a usual database, so just backup is with RMAN as any other database, using it as target database:

RMAN sys/password@<RMAN catalog tnsname>.
It can be done with no catalog or any other catalog (surely not using itself as catalog)/

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