If we can manage the servers using Central Management Console(CMC), why is there a separate tool Central Configuration Management(CCM)?

Questions by SandhyaRau

Editorial / Best Answer


  • Member Since Apr-2009 | Apr 13th, 2009

CMC and CCM , both have some common features and they are as you mentioned. But there are some unique things which you can do in one and not other.


You can set what need to be audit in individual servers.
You can enable auditing in CMC only.
You can set metrics of individual serves in CMC only and not in CCM.
You can see how many sessions are live only in CMC and not in CCM.
You can see how many requests were received , processed , failed only in CMC but not in CCM.
You can create server groups only in CMC but not in CCM.


You can only cluster and decluster servers using CCM.
You can only configured Auditing Database in CCM and not in CMC. You do configure individual servers in CMC but main work of configuring audit database is done in CCM.

Last but not least. CMC is web based server application. If your web server is down and you want to cring other servers up and running, you can only do in CCM.


Rajnish Kaushal

Showing Answers 1 - 6 of 6 Answers

CMC allows you to create server groups and manage your servers (start, stop, enable, and disable servers) on the other hand CCM tool also allows you to view and to configure advanced server settings. On Windows, these settings include default port numbers, CMS database and clustering details, SOCKS server connections, and more. In addition, on Windows the CCM allows you to add or remove servers from your BusinessObjects Enterprise system.

CMC and CCM , both have some common features and they are as you mentioned. But there are some unique things which you can do in one and not other.


You can set what need to be audit in individual servers.
You can enable auditing in CMC only.
You can set metrics of individual serves in CMC only and not in CCM.
You can see how many sessions are live only in CMC and not in CCM.
You can see how many requests were received , processed , failed only in CMC but not in CCM.
You can create server groups only in CMC but not in CCM.


You can only cluster and decluster servers using CCM.
You can only configured Auditing Database in CCM and not in CMC. You do configure individual servers in CMC but main work of configuring audit database is done in CCM.

Last but not least. CMC is web based server application. If your web server is down and you want to cring other servers up and running, you can only do in CCM.


Rajnish Kaushal


  • Aug 29th, 2009

CCM is separate tool for server management tool.
CMC is overall management tool which is web based tool we can manage from anywhere. and we can not start/ stop / restart the CMC server from CMC.
BOXI3.0 all server management options are available in CMC only CCM contains only tomcat and CMC


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