Need of EJB

What is the need of EJB?

Questions by ganesh_chormule

Showing Answers 1 - 8 of 8 Answers


  • Sep 23rd, 2009

EJB used to reuse the large chuck of the code in the distributed environment. You can develop one component all other applications running on the J2EE server can use it.

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  • Oct 13th, 2011

EJB : It provides another layer where the platform's logic is stored. an EJB server provides functions such as Threading , concurrency , security and memory that(all of them ) is not provided by other container like tomcat so we need a EJB container.

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a business application consist of different-different layers like
1) User Interface development
2) Business logics development
3)database operation development

EJB is used for Business logics development, this is a framework in which we develop several classes and interfaces according to our need by fulfilling the framework specification, that makes the code usable to our application , containing security and distributivity features.

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