Motor Rating

Can we use a 15kW, 1450rpm motor for 15kW, 960rpm apllication?
If yes, what will be the drawbacks?

Questions by ibicelectrical   answers by ibicelectrical

Showing Answers 1 - 6 of 6 Answers

If the application is designed to be driven by a 15 Kw, 960 RPM motor, then:If you directly connect a 15 kW, 1450 RPM motor, you will be driving the equipment 50% faster than it is designed to operate and it will require at least 50% more power to operate at that speed. Unless the original motor was 50% larger than it needed to be, the substitute motor will be overloaded by 50%. In other words, it will not likely operate successfully.If you connect a 15 kW, 1450 RPM motor through a 1.5:1 speed reduction, it should run fine. The only drawback is the need for a speed reducer. A pair of pulleys and a belt will require only a very small amount of additional power due to additional friction.A VFD could be used to operate at the proper speed, but the available torque and power would be only 66% of what the load presumably requires.

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  • Nov 20th, 2008

IR value/winding resistance (should be same for three phase) should be checked in HT motor but in IT IR value will only do.

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