What is the difference betwenn HRM and HRD?

Questions by Roomi

Showing Answers 1 - 4 of 4 Answers


  • Dec 20th, 2008

Seems like nothing but a difference in name. Departments of either name within any business would be likely to handle the same tasks, and the name given to the department would be based on subjective choice. "Personnel" could be used to refer to employees only, whereas "human resources" might be considered more broadly applicable to all persons performing services for the company (meaning full-time, part-time, temps, contractors or freelancers, etc.)

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  • Jan 31st, 2009

The difference between HRM and HRD could be that HRM is concerned with the management of all the resources that we are having in the form the human manpower available to us. It includes the practices like recruitment, selection, proper job analysis etc. as effectiveness of these practices is quite essential to manage the manpower whereas HRD is concerned with human resource development ie practicing all those practices which are essential to make our manpower stuff fully equipped with all the latest techniques of the market, along with their physical as well as mental development. Techniques like training, mentoring, motivating etc. could be used as tools to practice HRD.

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