Intercompany Stock Transfer

How can we conduct intercompany stock transfer through an STO Purchase Order if the Chart of Accounts for the two company codes are not the same?

What could be the other possible way to do it wherein company code A can manage to issue stocks to company code B and company code B will be able to check if he has an stock In-transit to receive?

Questions by AMTMM7

Showing Answers 1 - 2 of 2 Answers

Anamika Dey

  • Jan 30th, 2012

STO is Stock Transport order. It is used for inter company transfer of goods. Plant to plant transfer and even transferring raw material to Third party contractors (Job Work).

The Process is you create a STO do delivery against the STO and create a Billing Document against the STO.
Material should exist in both the plants (Delivering & Ordering),

Internal customer should be assigned to the ordering plant ( MM -> Purchasing -> Purchase Order -> Setup stock transport order -> assign the internal customer to the ordering plant and assign the Sales area of the internal customer.

Tcode : OMGN

Assign its Sales area to the delivering plant
Assign the document type and Delivery type NB and NLCC
Assign the Supplying plant --> Receiving Plant --> NB
Take the delivering plant and assign the sales area.
Vendor master has to be created and assign the supply source ( Delivering Plant).

Create a purchase order ME21N ---> Save
Delivery VL10 G ---> Calculation rule (appropriate) --> Assign the purchase order number here and execute.
Select the Delivery creation line and do the back ground process.

Start the log display and see the delivery document number by the documents button

Goto VL02N --> do picking and PGI --> Then do the MIGO with respect to the delivery document.

Billing (Inter company pricing conditions should be set).

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