Types of Reviews

What are the different types of reviews and explain?

Questions by Sontineni

Showing Answers 1 - 22 of 22 Answers

Types of Reviews:

1. Informal Review:
Generally one to one meeting
No agenda
Results are not formally reported
Occurs as needed throughout each phase.

2. Semi Formal Review:
Facilitated by the author (the person who is responsible for the activity)
Presentation is made with comment throughout and at the end
Reports are distributed to the participants
Possible solutions for defect not discussed
Occur one or more times during phase.

3. Formal Reviews:
Facilitated by the modulator (the person who has link between test engineer and
Assisted by a recorder
Meeting are planned in advance
Directly dependent on the preparation of participants.

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Review:  It's a process which evaluates the documentation or work  in the project


Peer review: Done by colegues or by TL

Management Review: Done by the management person to study the project, to allocate the resources, to vefity the quality of project and to discuss the project contractuals, etc.

Audit Review: One or more than one person belongs to 3rd party ( not belonging to company) will do this review to evaluate the specifications, standars, docs, etc.


Code review: Done by dev lead, here he can evaulate the piece of code done by his team member.

 Inspection : It is a very formal type of peer review where the reviewers are following a well-defined process to find defects.
Walk through : It is a form of peer review where the author leads members of the development team and other interested parties through a software product and the participants ask questions and make comments about defects.

Technical Review: It is a form of peer review in which a team of qualified personnel examines the suitability of the software product for its intended use and identifies discrepancies from specifications and standards.


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Based on purpose reviews are classified as

1. Technical Review – Review of work products – Requirements, Design,
Code, Test Plans, etc.

2. Non-technical Review – Review of status (e.g. PMRs), Project Plan,
SCM Plan, etc. - ensuring process compliance and process adequacy
Based on extent of formality reviews are classified as

a. Informal Review - One on one with peers, no agenda or preparation
time. Informal reviews do not have the rigor of a formal review. The reviews may
not be planned, or metrics may not be captured to measure review effectiveness.
They are typically used to confirm understanding, test ideas, brainstorm, etc.

b. Semiformal Review - Author walks the participants through work
product, defects are pointed out by participants, solutions may be discussed for
defects found. This could be a one person review also. Semiformal / Informal
reviews shall be considered for agile based projects.

c. Formal Review - Meeting is planned in advance, facilitated by a
moderator, follows a proper process, participants come prepared for the meeting.
Reviewers are selected based on skill and knowledge.

General review types:

1) Peer reviews are conducted by the author of the work product, or by one or more colleagues of the author, to evaluate the technical content and/or quality of the work.

2) Management reviews are conducted by management representatives to evaluate the status of work done and to make decisions regarding downstream activities.

3) Audit reviews are conducted by personnel external to a project, to evaluate compliance with specifications, standards, contractual agreements, or other criteria.

Software review types:

1) Code review is systematic examination (often as peer review) of computer source code.

2) Inspection is a very formal type of peer review where the reviewers are following a well-defined process to find defects.

3) Walkthrough is a form of peer review where the author leads members of the development team and other interested parties through a software product and the participants ask questions and make comments about defects.

4) Technical review is a form of peer review in which a team of qualified personnel examines the suitability of the software product for its intended use and identifies discrepancies from specifications and standards.

(source:  'Software review' in wikipedia)


  • Sep 29th, 2011

Types of review
Formal and Informal.
They may be Technical or Managerial
Technical review may be Inspection and Walk-through

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  • May 6th, 2012

Types of Review:

there are five which are as follows.

1.Self study review
2. Context review
3. Historical review
4. Theoretical review
5. Integrate review

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  • Sep 6th, 2016

There are 4 types of review
I Critical review
II Analytical review
II Technical review
III General review (Formal,informal,semi formal)
IV Personal review (informal)

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