Defect Migration

"Defect Migration" means that error is early project documents lead to errors in later documents. For example, an incorrect requirement leads to an incorrect set of speacifications, which leads to design errors, which leads to coding errors, which lead to failures when we test against user expectations.

a. How will you prevent Defect Migration?
b. Why do you think preventing Defect Migration is important?

Questions by conlocnho18

Showing Answers 1 - 6 of 6 Answers

1. Defect Migration can be prevented by introducing Reviews at all stages of software developnent.
2. The cost of fixing the defect is much higher in the later phases of the project. This is because rework needs to be done right from the requirements up to test, If the defects are caught during the testing phases.

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a) Reviews are the best way to uncover defects early in SDLC, though it is costly.  Project Manager failing to justify the review that needs to be scheduled allows the
defects to get migrated.
b) Finding the defect as early phase of the SDLC, which overcomes prevent, it is highly expansible but it is better way to make the
quality perfect.

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The term "defect migration" represents the concept that errors introduced in early phases of projects are perpetuated in later phases of projects and as these errors migrate to later phases, their impact is significantly magnified.  Using an example in software development, if an application's requirements are either inaccurate or incomplete, the development team will spend a great deal of time and effort coding an application that will not function as intended.  The longer it takes in the software development life cycle to detect and repair this functionality, the more it will cost the company.  Defects that are discovered and repaired in the verification phase will cost less than those that migrate and are discovered in production.

You prevent defect migration by conducting reviews intended to discover faults and provide useful feedback to prevent them.  For example, A Business Analyst can improve an application's business requirements by faciitating usability studies with potential users of an application in order to uncover problems with ease of learning curve, business logic, intuitiveness, etc..  Programmers can conduct peer reviews to minimize defects during software development.

It is important to detect and correct defects as early in the product development process as possible, because further a defect migrates toward production, the more it will cost a company.     

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