Maslow's Need Hierarcy

How can a leader use Maslow's need hierarchy concepts to influence behaviour?

Questions by qca7400

Showing Answers 1 - 2 of 2 Answers


  • Sep 2nd, 2009

Maslow's need hierarcy has 5 stages:

1. Physiological
2. Safety
3. Love/Belonging
4. Esteem
5. Self actualization

human being has to move from level 1 to 5
only after level 1 is satisfied we move to level 2 and then subsequently level 3,4 & 5

Once in a higher level .. the lower level does not have any value/attraction.

As ideally the level of self actualization is the last level  and a leader can lead the team by inspiring them to reach the level of self actualization

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