Messaging systems provide a host of powerful advantages over other, more conventional distributed computing models. Primarily, they encourage "loose coupling" between message consumers and message producers. There is a high degree of anonymity between producer and consumer: to the message consumer, it doesn't matter who produced the message, where the producer lives on the network, or when the message was produced.
Messaging Systems and the Java Message Service (JMS)
- Message Service
- What is a Messaging System?
- Message System Types
- The Java Message ServiceJMS Clients Can Use Java Facilities
- What is a Message?
- Building a JMS Client
A typical JMS client can be built following these basic steps: - Create a connection to the messaging system provider
- Create sessions, for sending and receiving messages
- Create MessageProducers and MessageConsumers to create or receive messages
What is the difference between Message producer and Message consumer
Messaging systems provide a host of powerful advantages over other, more conventional distributed computing models. Primarily, they encourage "loose coupling" between message consumers and message producers. There is a high degree of anonymity between producer and consumer: to the message consumer, it doesn't matter who produced the message, where the producer lives on the network, or when the message was produced.
Messaging Systems and the Java Message Service (JMS)
A typical JMS client can be built following these basic steps:
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