ETL developer Responsibilities

What are the roles and responsibilities of an ETL developer/designer/team lead?

Questions by mallikharjuna

Showing Answers 1 - 6 of 6 Answers


  • Oct 14th, 2008

ETL DEveloper analysis the data and develop/understand the ETL specifications.
Develop mappings
Unit test mappings with the test data
Provide support to the code you developed when the code is in QA.
Provide support for initial days when code moved to production

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  • Jun 7th, 2009

The ETL developer's responsibility is to ensure that the goals of the business with regards to data management are met.  The developer should be able to design and implement a plan for all types of data movement or modification requested and approved by management.  He/she should have intimate knowledge of the database schema and the data itself.  The ETL developer has a full understanding of each step in the ETL process and can write ETL programs with scripts, packages, mappings, etc. (depending on the tool).  Analysis, development, QA, implementation, monitoring and administration of the ETL process.


  • Apr 18th, 2015

ETL Developer roles and responsibilities are
1.Understand the etl specifications and build the etl applications like Mappings on daily basis
2.Need to fetch the daily data from various sources like relational and flatfile sources of OLTP systems
3.Create the mappings ,sessions and Workflows as per requirement of business to implement the logic
4.Perform the Unit Testing on developed code.
5.We need to participate in all phases of Data Warehousing like Analysis ,requirement gathering and Design and Development of code
6.Create a mapping document based on High level design document
7.Assist development team to maintain all data sources and data storage options
8.Coordinate with development team to create all etl processes
9.Provide an efficient interface with brand for all processes across variious platforms
10.Evaluate functional requirements and map the documents.

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