What are all the different metrics that can be captured in Software Testing?

Apart from Schedule Variance and effort variance what metrics can be captured in Software testing?

Questions by yoga.nithy

Showing Answers 1 - 6 of 6 Answers

different type of metrics captured
Defect Density- no  of defects par KLOC
Defect Severity distribution- which measured in term of defect severity
Defect Removal Effectiveness- total number of defects prior to delivery
Review Effectiveness

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Some key metrics for software testing:


1) Test progress tracking metrics: Track the the cumulative test cases or test points that are planned, attempted, and successful over the test execution period.

2) Defects by action taken:  This metric tracks the effectiveness of the testing process.  For example, the percentage of defects marked as "By design" or "Not a defect" will tell you how well your test engineers understanding the functionalities of the application or system under test.

3) Defects by injection phase:  This metric points to the most problematic phase in software development.

4) Defects by detection phase:  This metric points to the most efficient phase of software development in terms of finding and removing defects.

5) Defects by priority and severity:  These metrics help you understand the quality of your software.  The combination can help you decide the level of quality required to release the software.

6) Release criteria:  Defines the conditions that must be met to release the software to production. 

7) Defects by cause:  This metric helps those responsible for the causes to focus on areas for improvement. 

8) Defects by type:  This metric also helps to focus on the types of errors that need to be addressed.

9) Defects by week:  This metric shows patterns of when defects were found and fixed in relation to each phase of SDLC.  You can look at total cumulative defects, cumulative number of defects open, and cumulative number of defects fixed.  

10) Defects by test cycle:  This metric shows patterns of when defects were found and fixed in relation to each test cycle. If too many defects are found in latter cycles, you may want to consider a few process changes.

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