How can we do performance testing on a vending machine

Questions by sirishaprasad

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Performance testing on a vending maching can be done as following:
1>Keep the vending machine in extreme cold temp. and check its performance.
2> Keep the vending machine in extreme hot temp. and check for its performance.
3>Draw product from the vending machine continuoulsy for couple of hours and check how it performs.
4>Bang the vending machine hard and check how it performs.

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performance testing on a vending machine

1. put the currency continuously for morethan 10 hours and check if you are ggetting the coke or pepsi corrctly
2.if you put less paisa and see how it works

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I am assuming the vending machine dispenses soda. 

Here are a few performance tests:

1) Place vending machine in a controlled "cold room" where temperature is [X] degrees cooler than the coldest environment that these machines will be used and verify the contents of the vending machine remain consumable without any negative impact.

2) Place vending machine in a controlled "hot room" where temperature is [X] degrees warmer than the warmest environment that these machines will be used and verify the contents of the vending machine meet "coldness" specification. 

3) Place vending machine in a controlled "hot room" where temperature is [X] degrees warmer than the warmest environment that these machines will be used and verify the vending machine's energy use meets specification. 

4) Generate a power surge of varying intensities and verify that the vending machine can handle it within specification.

5) Feed bills of all denominations and make product selections as quickly as possible and verify that soda is dispensed and the correct change is returned.

6) Feed change and make product selections as quickly as possible and verify that soda is dispensed and the correct change is returned. 

7) Use a machine to press the buttons while periodically raising the pressure until failure and verify that their failure thresholds meet specification.

8) Use a machine to press the buttons with normal pressure but as rapidly as possible over several weeks and then place product in the machine and see if the buttons still function reliably.

9) Verify performance while tilting the vending machine, rocking the vending machine, and hitting the vending machine and verify it functions properly.

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