What is the difference between recruitment and selection?

Questions by pooja_thapliyal   answers by pooja_thapliyal

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Selection - Selecting a candidate without conducting any technical test. Selection based only on personal interview

Recruitment - This is a process of selecting an employee, Aptitute Test / Technical Test ----> Personal Interview --------> Technical Interview --------> HR Interview --------> Finalising the Offer

Recruitment is a process of giving the advertisements of a particular job to all the potential candidate to apply for. As in we just post a job telling the job description and the various criteria required to apply for the job.
In recruitment we tell as in who can apply for a particular job.
Selection is the process of selecting among all the potential candidates who actually applied for through various types of interview.
In selection we test all the potential candidates who actually applied for a particular job.


  • Jul 6th, 2008

The basic purpose of recruitment is to get the best-qualified applicants to fill up vacancies in the organization.  ecancies in the organisation.Selection is the process of choosing from a list of applicants of a job, the person or persons who best meet the selection criteria and other related constraints. 

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Hi Pooja,

Recruitment -------  Attracting the profiles(employees) for the existing vacant positions in your company. To be vague letting the job seekers to know about the job vanacy in your company. (By  Internet, Employee referal, Consultantancies, .... etc)

Selection--------- Selecting the Right matched profile(employee) by means of Interviews and tests.


  • Jul 29th, 2008

Recruitment : Recruitment is the process of searching for prospective enployees and stimulating them to apply for the jobs in the organization. Effectively, recruitment is the process of getting the right kind of people to apply for the vacancies .

Selection : The process of choosing the most suitable candidate for a job from among the available applicants is called selection. it is a process of ascertaining the qualification, experience, skill, knowledge, ect of an applicant with the purpose of determining his suitability for a job.


  • Jul 16th, 2009

Recruitment is a +ve process where we ae going to just inform various job applicants to apply for there jobs, via any media..... ads hoarding, campus recruitment.

Selection is a negetive process where the company is going to conduct a series tests,where from unfit candidates are rejected, step by step, and then a certain lot of bestpupil are selected among them.

Recruitment preceeds Selection.

Selected candidates are subset of the Recruited Candidates.

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Recruitment is a ongoing process for selecting some good talent whereas selection is the final step of the recruitment process to finalize the right talent after screening.

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