VB.NET List Box

How can i retrieve records of a column having certain criteria and display the records in a list box? Please help me...

Questions by hemantkumar43

Showing Answers 1 - 6 of 6 Answers

dim con as sqlconnection
con=new sqlconnection("server=visuall;database=urdbname;uid=sa;password=urpassword")
dimquerycommand as sqlcommand
dim reader as sqldatareader

querycommand=new sqlcommand("select * from emp",con)
listbox1.items.add(reader(0).tostring() & " " & reader(1).tostring() )
end while

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Create a connection object in OLEDB or SQL and set the possible parameters.Create a OLEDB DataAdapter or SQL Data Adapter and populate a dataset through the data adapter object.Then set the values of the Datasource and Display member property with the desired datasource and column.Here is the sample code for SqlConnection.

Dim con as new SqlConnection("server='localhost';uid='sa';pwd='password'; database='Employees')
dim ada as new SqlDataAdapter("select * from empdata",con)
Dim ds as new Dataset

Get the data from db in list of strings or key value pair

finaldatesource=db calll

With listbox

end with
EmplyeeNAme, EmployeeNumber are coloumns in DB

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