How to add new column in the existing table at our desired location?

Questions by vijay.akki

Showing Answers 1 - 18 of 18 Answers

 You cannot do this. You can drop and re-create the table if you insist on the columns being in a particular order. Having the columns in a particular order is pretty much pointless. This question is asked on a regular basis. If you had searched, you should have quite quickly discovered this information.

Alter Table<Tab_Name> add column <column_name> .. this is allowed in 9i, but when the table fill with data and various constraint then it might not work..

and order of the column in a RDBMS is not at all important as per Codd's rules, any time you can extract any column in any sequesnce.


Syntax : - Alter Table <table_name> ADD Column (<column_name1> <data_type1>[size1], <column_name2> <data_type2>[size2], ...);

Example : - Alter Table Employee ADD Column (Address2 Varchar2(28),Phone2 Number(6));

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  • Apr 1st, 2009

You can't add the column at desired location but you can create view and put the desired columns in order you required and use that view.

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You cannot have user defined syntaxes in Oracle, still it is implemented, following error will be thrown.

 1* alter table employee add (age number(10)) after ename
SQL> /
alter table employee add (age number(10)) after ename
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01735: invalid ALTER TABLE option


  • Jan 7th, 2011

This can be done eaisly using the keyword after,suppose you want to add a column "name" after the field "id".

Alter table emp add name varchar2 after id

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