Integration and system testing

Given modules like enter pin, menu, cash withdrawal, collect cash, receipt how will you do integration and system testing can anyone explain it to me

Questions by ketan4778   answers by ketan4778

Showing Answers 1 - 6 of 6 Answers

Integration testing: This we test whether all the Modules are integarted properly or not. this is done is 5 ways 1) Top down Integration
                                           2) Bottom up Integration
                                           3) Hybrid Integration
                                           4) Big bang Integration
                                           5) Incremental Integartion

System testing: System testing is End to end testing i.e testing the whole functionality

Here are some practical tips for the functional tester:

1) Identify all of the functionalities and their dependencies that are necessary to fully achieve the business requirements.

2) Diagram the workflow of all processes and clearly represent each system within these workflow diagrams.  

3) Author user stories describing the complex tasks which span across integrated systems.  For example:  "User wishes to withdraw $200 from an ATM after having his card replaced and changing the PIN on his account several days ago."  This story tests how the user's account information integrates with the 'withdraw funds' functionality of the ATM.    

4) Execute test cases and verify user stories during the test execution process.

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