When do we perform white box testing?

Questions by vijaybyreddy   answers by vijaybyreddy

Showing Answers 1 - 14 of 14 Answers

White box testing can be call as glass box testing or structural testing,  is used to check that the outputs of a program, given certain inputs, conform to the structural specification of the program. It uses information about the structure of the program to check that it performs correctly

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System testing is testing conducted on a complete, integrated system to evaluate the system's compliance with its specified requirements. System testing falls within the scope of Black box testing--

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White box testing is nothing but aftere developers will complete the coding part of the  one funtion then they will do unit testing on that function whether it's meeting the requirement or not and also after completing all the coding part of the APp -- then they will intigrate all the coding part and do the Intigration testing---these all comes under Whit box testing we can all so call as Glass box testing or structral testing...

But commonaly the developers will do white box tesign----

But we nevar say we will not perform this we can, some times If developers are too busy then we can also do Unit testing, Intigration testing---

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  • Jun 21st, 2008

white box testing is done once the developer finishes writing the code and before throwing the application to the testing team

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  • Feb 16th, 2009

Generally white box testing is performed when all the coding part is finished by developer and it is carried by developers it self or done by other persons depending upon organization level. In white box testing all the coding aspect of project has to consider and for white box testing you should have a good command over the programming language like what  is function, loops, and logic and how all together worked?
You have to check all the code as a fresh level so that it is performing right as per requirement or not. 90% of white box testing is done by developers itself but few company having their white box tester team as a separate.

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