Fisherman's Day

A fisherman's day is rated as good if he catches 9 fishes, fair if 7 fishes and bad if 5 fishes. He catches 53 fishes in a week n had all good, fair n bad days in the week. So how many good, fair n bad days did the fisher man had in the week?
This question is related to TCS Interview

Questions by chandradeepika   answers by chandradeepika

Showing Answers 1 - 6 of 6 Answers


  • May 24th, 2009

let good days be x
let fair days be y
let bad days be z
since there are 7 days in a week
x+y+z is 7
since it is a 3 variable equation and we have only 2 equations we have to assume values for one of let x be 1,2,3,4.
putting x as 4 we get y as 1 and z as 2

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