Write any 10 test cases for the 'SAVE' option in the notepad.

Questions by ranjansahoo.123

Showing Answers 1 - 8 of 8 Answers

1.Testcase Save in notepad 
1.start-> run->type notepad.
2.Enter the data
3.open file menu and select save option.

verification points:
1.verify that new file is opened or not.
2.verify that text entered in the or not.
3.verify that 'saveAs' dialog box is opened whensave'option
selected in file menu.

2.Testcase Save in notepad
1.1,1,2,1.3 same as above
4.Enter the input value in 'File name' text box.
5.select a folder where file will be saved from 'save in' directory.
6.click 'save' button.

Verification points:
1.verify that file is saved when click on 'save' button.
2.verify that the default extension of file name is '.txt'.

3.Negative Testcase Save in notepad
1. click save button without giving the 'file name' .

Verification points:
1.verify that the same 'saveAs' wizard will appear.
2.verify that the file is not saved when 'cancel' button is clicked.

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1) Check whether file is saved after entering data
Open Note pad application.
File menu -> new
Enter Some Text ("hello welcome to india")
File menu -> Save
select the path and give the file name (welcome.txt)
Click on Save button

Expected Results : file should be saved in the specified location

2) Check the functionality of Save as
Open Note pad application.
File menu -> Open
Give the Path and select the file (welcome.txt)
File menu -> Save as
select the path and give the file name (welcome1.txt)
Click on Save button

Expected Results : file should be saved in the specified location

3) Check whether validation msg has been generated on giving same name for
Open Note pad application.
File menu -> Open
Give the Path and select the file (welcome.txt)
File menu -> Save as
select the path and give the file name (welcome.txt)
Click on Save button

Expected Results : Application should generate a validation message stating,
"Are you sure you want to relpace the file" with Yes/no Options

4) Check whether edits are saved
Open Note pad application.
File menu -> Open
Give the Path and select the file (welcome.txt)
Edit the file by adding some text (have a nice day)
File menu -> Save

Expected Results : updated File should be saved

5) Check the functionality of Close button or exit Menu after editing file
Open Note pad application.
File menu -> Open
Give the Path and select the file (welcome.txt)
Edit the file by adding some text (have a nice day)
File menu -> Exit or Click X button or top right corner of the notepad window

Expected Results : Application should generate a validation message stating,
"Do you want to save changes to %path%" with Save, dont save, cancel buttons

6) Check the functionality of Close button or exit Menu with out editing file
Open Note pad application.
File menu -> Open
Give the Path and select the file (welcome.txt)
File menu -> Exit or Click X button or top right corner of the notepad window

Expected Results : Application should close

7) Save the notepad File in hard drive(c or d drove)
where there is no space
Open Note pad application.
File menu -> new
Enter Some Text ("hello welcome to india")
File menu -> Save
select the path and give the file name (wcom.txt)
Click on Save button

Expected Results : File Should Not be saved in the specified path and should
generate validation message

Test case for Save options in note pad

1.Check whether by using the following:
right click in desktop and choose notepad and save the file

2.Check whether by using the following :

3.Check whether by using the following:
open the notepad and close it will be asking for save

4.Check whether by using the following :
through save as you can save the notepad file

5.Check whether by using the following :
through save you can save the file 

6.Check whether by using the following:
type inside the notepad and save the file

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1) Save an empty file
2) Save a file with one character
3) Save a file with maximum number of characters
4) Save a file that exceeds maximum number of characters (max+1)
5) Save a file to desktop
6) Save a file that is not word wrapped
7) Save a file that is word wrapped
8) Save a file using Menu (File > Save)
9) Save a file using short cut (Ctrl+S)
10) Save a file that contains the entire ASCII character set
11) Save a file that contains the entire UTF-8 character set
12) Save a file that contains the entire Unicode character set
13) Save a file that contains the entire Unicode big endian character set

Test steps inside each of the following test cases include:
1) navigating to the file,
2) verifying the file is saved in proper target destination, 
3) opening the file and
4) verifying that the contents had been saved without changes. 

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