AP AR Types of Invoices

If HRMS is not there, how will you create buyer in PO?
2. What are the types of invoices in AP and AR?

Questions by jaalioracle   answers by jaalioracle

Showing Answers 1 - 4 of 4 Answers

11 invoice are there
1) Regular invoice (9) & 2) Special invoice (2)

1) Regular Invoice

1. Standard invoice 
2. Credit memo 
3. Debit memo 
4. Prepaid invoice 
5. Expence report 
6. Quck invoice 
7. Mixed invoice
8. PO default 
9. Withholding Tax invoice 

2) Special Invoice

1. Recurring  invoice
2. Interest invoice


1. Invoice
2. Credit memo 
3. Debit memo
4. Deposit
5. Guaranty
6. Chargeback
7. Bills Receivables 

this is use full to all thanks  

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