Dealing with irate customers

You take a call from a customer who is very upset they cant work how do you deal with this?

Questions by Big Al   answers by Big Al

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This is a common problem faced by a every one working in helpdesk.

1st thing don't try to argue with him.
2ndly try to understand the issues or problems he is facing.
3rdly don't promise him heaven and earth.

Finally keep a cool head don't concentrate on what he is saying and just concentrate on the solution.
As a help desk professional your duty is to focus on the best possible solution.
Don't get carried away.


  • Nov 7th, 2013

Customer support field is very bad field .
Just patience and patience ...Mental frustration too....

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Kashyap Gajjar

  • Jan 7th, 2015

1. Let the irate client spew out all his frustrations. Dont interrupt them during that initial burst
2. Then, understand their concerns
3. Empathize with them... agree that the situation is most unfortunate (doesnt matter where fault lies here-you or them- the situation is unfortunate)
4. Convince them you are doing whatever you can (as far process allows you to go)
5. If required, be honest and let them know where you are stuck. Most people will understand and help also in fact

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  • May 8th, 2015

Do your job any where but dont go in help desk. How bad customer he face daily basis

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Rohan Deokar

  • Oct 10th, 2015

During the complaint, don't interrupt him/her, after he/she is finished try to resolve problem first hand if not then ask for the ticket number if its not the first time he/she is calling for same issue, after getting the number drop a mail to concern team for providing solution on urgent basis by keeping user in CC. If the complaint is newly logged then also raise a ticket to support team and drop a mail to user along with the ticket number assuring him/her that relevant actions are been undertaken against the issue.

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Tahir Hussain

  • Nov 1st, 2017

First we need to understand why he is irate, after that we must make sure he should be get into the calm mode, and then sort out his/her problem in the professional manners.

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