Building Framework

What do we need to consider for building framework?

Questions by rajnarayan1

Showing Answers 1 - 7 of 7 Answers


  • Oct 7th, 2009

The choice depends upon the scripts under test. If they are repeative with just the data variations then Data driven testing should be used. If some pre-defined functions or less coding can help then Keyword driven testing will be beneficial.
If complete application under test can be divided into procedures and function then the library architecture will be helpful as the functions and procedures created once could be called time and again when needed. The simplest is scripting framework where each module is coded and then called sequentially.
See the IBM page for example and complete explanation to this. 

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Framework is nothing but test automation architecture.

here we need to decide where test cases will be stored, where automation scripts will be stored, how automation scripts will execute, how execution summary/report will be published/sent to management, etc.

Then comes actual QTP scripting where you have to decide the structure of scripts and development environment.

When to create actions, subroutines, functions, etc. How to deal with object repository, what kind of object repository (per action/shared?) who will manage object repository, etc. Also decide the objects identification standards to be used for object recognition, flexibility, maintenance, etc.

Finally write automation process, standards, procedures, best practices using QTP and your framework is complete!

As far as i know, framework means set of defined rules which will be useful further to use in our application. So, if you want to prepare a framework for an application, we should be knowing about

1)application overall functionality
          From this, you will come to know what are all the functions we can reuse frequently.
2)Common functions like (click button, select link etc ...) we have to identify in the application. If there are more buttons and links to select/click, we do have to write a functions for those functionalities as well.
3) Recovery scenarios: What type of errors do we have to display to the user when the error appears in the application.

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Buby Bhandari

  • Aug 17th, 2015

To adda few more points here, you need to consider the following things:
1. Who is the end user of the automation created, is it the automation devs or the manual QA team. Based on that you need to make your framework either more user friendly/simplified(requires more time) or less user friendly/non simplified(requires less time)
2. If the framework will be used across projects then create one that is loosely coupled to accomodate apps developed in other technologies.
3. Your framework should always have the scope to expand.
4. It should support plug and play model.

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