Network terms

What is the definition: DNS, DOMAIN, DOMAIN CONTROLLER, DHCP, VPN, Server

Questions by krishna_5883

Showing Answers 1 - 6 of 6 Answers


  • Jun 30th, 2008

what is the definition: DNS, DOMAIN, DOMAIN CONTROLLER, DHCP, VPN, Server

DNS:- Domain Name System
DNS is Primary name resolution service on Windows 2000/2003
Bisic Function of DNS is resolving Hostname{} to Ip address {}

Domain:-   Domain Is a logical structure of AD
domain is set of computers attached to network to share resources { is one domain for that  company}
Domain Controller:- Which manages the Domain

DC is responsilbe for authenticating  users and replicating servers.

DHCP: Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
DHCP assigns IP addresses dynamically
DHCP manages IP address, subnet, default gateway from server

VPN:Virtual Private Network
VPN is used to access the computers from Different locations

DNS: It stands for Domain Naming System. It is used to resolve FQDN to IP and IP to FQDN. It used boot P protocol.

Domain: It is a logical grouping of computers, Groups, Users, which centerlized database.

Domain Controller: It mannage the Domain.There is instal AD. DC is responsible for authonticate users, computers for any programe in its Domain.

DHCP : (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol ) DHCP assigns IP addresses automatically in there network.

VPN: A virtual private network (VPN) is a private network that makes use of a public network (such as the Internet), while maintaining security and privacy through encryption and security procedures.

SERVER : A server is computer dedicated to providing one or more services over a computer network, typically through a request-response routine.

This All concepts I will explain one by one

1. DNS - Domain Naming Services, where this is running that computer we called as DNS server, the main purpose of using this is normally human beings remembering the IP Address to difficult because of we lot of commuter in my net work so that time DNS will give the Naming resolving services its means it will convert IP Address in to Computer name (FQDN) and Computer name in to IP address also. We come to now human beings Very default to remember IP address we can easily remember Names, DNS it helps to us converting IP Address to Computer Name (FQDN)

2. DHCP - Dynamic Host Control Protocol. For any computer address is the most impotent, each computer have 2 Address one is IP Address Next one MAC address.  
MAC Address is the Permanent but IP Address is Logical Address it can be changed.
Assigning the IP Address to Computer 2 way
A. Manvel
B. Dynamic (Automatic)

If you want assign the IP Address Automatic then the picture will came DHCP.
It will assign the IP Address automatically to system.

3. Domain ---- it is logical group of computers shared by single name space over all the domain, it a centralized management of database that is controlled of single administrator .and its store the information like all the objects.

4. VPN --- Virtual Private network
The remote user wants access the our private network (our network ) using the public network with secure connection that is the concepts VPN.

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