Federating Node

Can someone explain what it means by Federate A NODE ?

Questions by neeraj79

Showing Answers 1 - 24 of 24 Answers


  • Jun 12th, 2008

addNode XXXX (add node to cell)  with SOAP
After intall WAS ND then you can do this then u have single pnt of Admin to All Apps under multiple nodes.

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  • Jul 15th, 2008

This refers to adding a Node to a Websphere cell.

A node is a collection of application server instances.
A cell is a collection of nodes.

To federate the node you must use the addNode command or add it from the nodes section of the admin console under The system administration section on the left nav pane.

To create a managed node use the Profile Managment tool.

The cell to which the node must be federated must have the deployment manager running at time of federation.

Refer to IBM info Centre for more info on Websphere Application Server.

sateesh babu Ginjupalli

  • May 15th, 2012

Federation is nothing but addition.Federating the node means we have to add the node of the standalone application server to the DMGR profile.

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  • Sep 5th, 2012

Federating node means adding stand alone application or stand alone profile to deployment manager(DMGR), we can achieve this by using admin console or addnode command of stand alone profile.

CMD: ./addNode.sh

Once this process is successfully done, one nodeagent server is created for app server, this nodeagent is responsible for communication between dmgr and application server.

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  • Nov 11th, 2012

Federation : It is the process of integrating a stand alone application server to Dmgr..Now the admin console of the stand alone server vanishes and is controlled from Dmgr admin console.

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  • Apr 10th, 2013

giving the control of application server profile to dmgr is nothing but federation. for single point of administration we are doing federation.we can do federation in 2 ways.1.from admin console of dmgr(by adding the soap port number of asp in ) and 2.from command prompt of application server(the soap port number of dmgr) by using add node command.

changes after federation:

node agent will be activated in asp
node copy of asp will be copied into cell of dmgr
admin condole of asp will be deactivated.
pre requests for federation:
both servers should be in running position

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Sai Krishna

  • Jun 25th, 2013

1)Whenever we create standalone Server(App Server Profile),it has its own Admin Console
2)Whenever we create Dmgr Profile,it has its own admin Console.

Now the point of federation is adding this App Server Profile to Dmgr Profile .So that Standalone App Server admin Console is Overridden and it under Control Dmgr Admin Console.

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  • Jul 4th, 2016

Federation means adding node to get single point of control

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  • Aug 22nd, 2016

Adding node (Application Server Profile) to DMGR is nothing but federation.
1. Once federation has been completed admin console of application server will be deactivated.
2. Cell name of application server will change to DMGR cell name.
3. Node agent will be activated once federation done.
4. One way synchronization from DMGR to application server or node.

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Naveen Dammagoni

  • Aug 30th, 2016

Federation is the key concept for making the difference between stand alone topology and network deployment topology.
federation: adding the stand alone profile node to the DMGR cell and this added node is controlled by with help node agent (which is automatically created after federation of the node) which acts like mediator b/w DMGR node and added node. after each federation one and only one node agent is created. with help of this node agent only DMGR can manage or administers all the nodes which are added to it.

Prerequisites for Federation: We have to create one DMGR profile and at least one app server profile or custom profile . we need to start the DMGR server->DMGR profile bin# ./startManager.sh .
then go to app server or custom profile bin directory and issue this command: # ./addNode.sh hostname_fo_dmgr_server soap_port_number_of_dmgr <-includeApps optional > example: ./addNode.sh localhost 8879

After federation: Added nodes node agent will be automatically starts, now are able to start the existing server in that added node and also we can create n number of servers in this node after federation. DMGR contains the every added nodes, node level configuration details in its master configuration file.

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  • Aug 7th, 2018

Federating means adding appserver profile to dmgr by using BELOW command. Without federation we cant create additional JVMS to appserver profile
after federating default get two instance one is node and second one is node agent
node is used to administrating the jvms node agent is used for synchronization.
./addnode.sh host name of dmgr :soap port number of dmgr username **** password***** -includeapps

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