Interview procedure for Non-voice tech support


Pls tell me the Interview procedure for technical support Non-voice at Mphasis. better if with sample questions.

Thank you.
This question is related to Mphasis Interview

Questions by Mohan TS

Editorial / Best Answer


  • Member Since May-2008 | Feb 12th, 2009

You didn't mention you about qualification :

By the way if you are graduate in B.E then it's 3 rounds and if you are non B.E graduate then it's 5 round.

1 Personal Interview
2 Typing speed (they used typing master software for checking speed)
3 Aptitude (No maths Question & no verbal question, they will ask you about internet related technology, I will tell you about this later)
4. Email Writing( They will give you some role and you have write mail. for example you are the Manager of BSNL and a customer repeatedly complaining about slow broadband, how will you write mail to him ?)
5. HR(He can ask you about any thing like your hobbies. and he do check about your grammar and pronounciation)

B.E graduates has not to give Round 2,4. I don't know why.

Now about aptitude question :

You have to give full form of abbrivated word like :
http, html, ppp, smtp, pop, hdd, fdd, dsn, dns, CD-ROM, TCP/IP.

2. what is the input device for computer ? (lol they will give option for that)

3. IP is used for (They will give you option)

4. 1 MB = how much KByte

5. 1 KB = how much Byte

One more thing, in final interview HR might tell you to write some thing on some topic.
At my time HR told me to write on BLOG(which is my hobby)
In that i did spelling mistake, instead of writing  'writing' i wrote 'writting'.

Showing Answers 1 - 22 of 22 Answers

You didn't mention you about qualification :

By the way if you are graduate in B.E then it's 3 rounds and if you are non B.E graduate then it's 5 round.

1 Personal Interview
2 Typing speed (they used typing master software for checking speed)
3 Aptitude (No maths Question & no verbal question, they will ask you about internet related technology, I will tell you about this later)
4. Email Writing( They will give you some role and you have write mail. for example you are the Manager of BSNL and a customer repeatedly complaining about slow broadband, how will you write mail to him ?)
5. HR(He can ask you about any thing like your hobbies. and he do check about your grammar and pronounciation)

B.E graduates has not to give Round 2,4. I don't know why.

Now about aptitude question :

You have to give full form of abbrivated word like :
http, html, ppp, smtp, pop, hdd, fdd, dsn, dns, CD-ROM, TCP/IP.

2. what is the input device for computer ? (lol they will give option for that)

3. IP is used for (They will give you option)

4. 1 MB = how much KByte

5. 1 KB = how much Byte

One more thing, in final interview HR might tell you to write some thing on some topic.
At my time HR told me to write on BLOG(which is my hobby)
In that i did spelling mistake, instead of writing  'writing' i wrote 'writting'.


  • Jan 9th, 2014

Hiii... I am going for an interview of non voice processing... how can i crack this interview? please give me some tricks and one more thing I am fresher n I havent completed BE.

Ankit Rao

  • Feb 24th, 2015

I am unable to express my view. My problem is fluency. I do not prepare my answer instantly at the time of interview.

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muddam Yadav

  • May 24th, 2015

English fluency

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  • Oct 31st, 2015

I have completed in my all rounds for an BPO non-voice process then I will be selected for the documentation so I how to face the FINAL HR round. Please give me some ideas..

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  • Jan 7th, 2016

Is this profile in Mphasis, a BPO kind of job? If I join this can I get chances to change to development projects? I am a fresher

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  • Mar 16th, 2016

Hi Mayank,

This is Tarun they will make you to wait for long time, and there are 5 rounds of interview.

1. The 1st round is Return test its a basic English once you clear the round.

2. They will give a 4 topics in that we need to choose one and write an essay, they will check how good at your communication and sentence formation and efficiently you are writing.

3. Basic computer knowledge questions for 40 marks and TYPING TEST, Min. typing speed should be above 30.

4. This round is Operational round, same basic computer knowledge, but this round is face to face.

5. Finally HR round they will discuss about salary and shifts.

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p kiranmayee

  • Jul 29th, 2016

What is meant by Travel Helpdesk (Non Voice)?

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  • Aug 18th, 2016

My problem is week in english fluency

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  • Nov 1st, 2016

Hi Tarun, this is Mj. Can you tell me what are the questions they will ask in the operational round ?

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  • Jan 20th, 2017

Malini.p: You might start your English improvement by knowing that the correct word for your comment is the adjective WEAK (not strong) instead of the noun WEEK (a period of 7 days)

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