Rollback command

What is rollback command in unix?

Questions by svasu.dwh   answers by svasu.dwh

Showing Answers 1 - 8 of 8 Answers


  • Feb 5th, 2009

Rollback is a DB maintenace concept that is used to gurantee database integrity through  a transaction control mechanism.
This concept does not exist in Unix as this type of data integrity function is not implemented in Unix from my personal perspective you should be looking for backup/recovery on the Unix level

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  • Apr 20th, 2010

There is no "rollback" Unix command.

The "lost+found" directory has no functionality analogous to the Windows "recycle bin".  This directory is where the "fsck" command will put files that get disconnected from their directory pointer inodes. That rarely happens, except under disasterous circumstances, such as power interruptions, disk failure, etc.

One such directory is created by the system for each disk partition, and it belongs exclusively to the system. The user has no control over this directory, limited access, and (knock on wood) should never need to worry about it.

Most modern Unix platforms include a desktop suite such as KDE or Gnome which implement a "recycle bin" functionality. A "Trashcan" directory is created specifically for each user which holds any file that user deletes, and is represented by an icon on the desktop. Thus, the user can open the "Trashcan" and un-delete files.

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