URL or HTML Based Recording

How do you actually decide in a project whether we need to go for URL or html Based recording. Though know HTML mode is easier compared to URL based. Any other business reason behind this?

Questions by pallavi0784   answers by pallavi0784

Showing Answers 1 - 8 of 8 Answers

HTML is a higher level that records in "Browser" or "Context Sensitive" mode. This
setting allows the Browser to determine which page resources (such as images or Flashcontent) should be downloaded depending on the HTML source that was downloadedduring replay.
URL is a lower level that records in "Analog" mode. This setting does not allow the
browser to determine which page resources (such as images or flash) should be
downloaded. Each resource is recorded in the script during the Recording session. Thislevel will also record any hidden items, such as session ID information, sent to and fromthe server.

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  • Jun 13th, 2008

Html is the Highlevel recording with one request function generated per html page, this would be helpful in maintaining the scripts as the script would be small.

Url is low level recording with multiple request functions per page, the script would be lengthy, It would generate request for Form data, Images, Scripts/CSS etc. This would be helpful in debuging in some cases. Some cases or application this would be helpfull so it will split all the component into different request functions. You can also define timers between each components (This can be achieved in analysis also using Webpage breakdown during HTML Recording).

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