Report the Bug

How did you report the bug in your last job?

Questions by keerthim9

Showing Answers 1 - 14 of 14 Answers


  • May 6th, 2008

Once a Bug is discovered during testing, The Bug is in the new state .
1. The details of the Bug are entered in the defect tracking tool. (details here refers like steps involved in  reproducing the Bug, build details and error logs if any.) Bug details entered in the defect tracking tool will help the developer to reproduce the bug and providing quick fix to the bug. This state of the Bug is referred to as "OPEN".
2. The developer now starts working on the BUG and fixes the same. Once the Bug is resolved. it is in "Fixed" state.
3. The Tester now proceeds ahead to retest/ reproduce the Bug. Now, If the Bug is no more observed during testing, then it is declared as "CLOSED" state.
4. if the same Bug is reported  by one or many testers, then this state of Bug is refferred to as "Duplicate".

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Bug reporting Life cycle Bug:

Tester verifies the result with the requirement given if there is a change then is known as bug While testing when a bug is found it is reported in the bug tracking tool.

State 1: NEW The bug is reported in the bug tracking tool as NEW state.

The details entered in the bug tracking tool is as follows for a web based application a. Category
b. Reproducibility
c. Priority
d. Severity
e. Summary
 f. Description :
             • OS
             • Environment and Version
             • URL and Login Details
             • Steps to reproduce
              • Expected result
              • Actual Result

The bug is analyzed by the project manager and it is ASSIGNED to the concern developer if the bug is related to the build If it is not a bug then it is reported as DEFFERED.

When the tester/developer posts as a QUERY in the bug tracking tool then the developer answers to the query and change the status as “FEEDBACK”
The developer makes the necessary code changes and changes the status as “FIXED” and passed to the testing team
State 5: REOPEN
The application with modified code is retested, if the bug is reproduced by the testing team then the status is changed to “REOPEN” and once again it is assigned to the appropriate developer
State 6: CLOSED If the bug is rectified or the problem is solved then the status is change to “CLOSED”

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  • Sep 3rd, 2008

1. Ensure that it is a bug by running the test step again.
2. Ensure that you are testing the right version
3. Ensure that you are testing in the right
4. Take narrative (descriptive) screen shots. i.e take screen shots and type directions with it so the developer generates the defect as well.
5. Ensure you assign it to the right developer.

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Most companies have a bug tracking tool for reporting the bug (eg. Bugzilla is the most popular)

If not then write the steps to reproduce & the Actual & Expected result in an excel sheet & send bug reports to concerned person on daily or weekly basis.

Hope this was what you wanted..if not can you elaborate on exactly what you asked?

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Posting a bug is typically done in a defect management tool.  However, some test groups use a spreadsheet program.  Make sure the defect report contains:

1) defect id
2) test case reference
3) priority
4) severity 
5) assigned to 
6) submitted by
7) brief title
8) environment details
9) description of the issue
10) steps to reproduce the issue
11) expected results
12) actual results
13) a way to include supporting documentation like screen shots

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How did you report the bug in your last job?

Its all up on the Organization, Project, Client and varies.
Lot many tools is there to Reporting the bug.  In my case I used Excel sheets & Issue Tracking Tool (Internal) in my previous organizations. The common things in the Bug Report should contains
1) Bug/Defect id
2) Test case ID
3) Priority & Severity
4) Assigned to
5) Owner
6) Title
7) Environment
8) Module & Submodule
9) Description of the Bug
10) Clear Steps to reproduce the issue
11) Expected results
12) Actual results
13) Screen Shots
14) Comments

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