Need of Operating System

What is the need of operating system in computer science?

Questions by pavuluri

Showing Answers 1 - 14 of 14 Answers


  • Mar 10th, 2008

this is the same question we ask to the persons one of them knows english and the other ones knows spanish so we need one person who is able to communicate between two same is the answer here for why we need the operating system
it is the communication pathway between the user of the machine and the machine
where machine knows only machine language i.e. '1' and '0' on the other hand the man knows the alphabetic language. so operating system gets the alphabetic language from the user and change it to the machine understandible language and vice versa.
hope everything is clear.....

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Manvender Singh Rathore

  • Aug 3rd, 2011

In earlier day’s user had to design the application according to the internal structure of the hardware. Operating System was needed to enable the user to design the application without concerning the details of the computer’s internal structure. In general the boundary between the hardware & software is transparent to the user.

1. Easy interaction between the human & computer.
2. Starting computer operation automatically when power in turned on.
3. Loading & scheduling users program.
4. Controlling input & output.
5. Controlling program execution.
6. Managing use of main memory.
7. Providing security to users program.

For hardware functions such as input and output and memory allocation, the operating system acts as an intermediary between application programs and the computer hardware,although the application code is usually executed directly by the hardware and will frequently call the OS or be interrupted by it.

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  • Oct 4th, 2011

Need of Operating System: In earlier day’s user had to design the application according to the internal structure of the hardware. Operating System was needed to enable the user to design the application without concerning the details of the computer’s internal structure. In general the boundary between the hardware & software is transparent to the user.

Usage of Operating System:

Easy interaction between the human & computer.
Starting computer operation automatically when power in turned on.
Loading & scheduling users program.
Controlling input & output.
Controlling program execution.
Managing use of main memory.
Providing security to users program.

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  • Oct 2nd, 2013

OS acts as an interface between an user and machine .
In other way OS is an intermediary between any program and computer hardware.

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  • Jan 15th, 2015

Need of Operating System: In earlier days user had to design the application according to the internal structure of the hardware. Operating System was needed to enable the user to design the application without concerning the details of the computers internal structure. In general the boundary between the hardware & software is transparent to the user.

Usage of Operating System:

Easy interaction between the human & computer.
Starting computer operation automatically when power in turned on.
Loading & scheduling users program.
Controlling input & output.
Controlling program execution.
Managing use of main memory.
Providing security to users program.

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  • Jan 14th, 2016

Accounting resource usage
Managing and manipulating (e.g. Editing) files
Scheduling processes
Providing security to users jobs and files

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Garima joshi

  • Jul 11th, 2018

Operating system is an interface between the users and hardware components . Computer known only binary language that is high to low "1"or"0" langauge . So understand the alphabetical language we need operating system.

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