How do you print the last n rows or the first n rows of a table ?

Questions by bharaniprasanth   answers by bharaniprasanth

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  • Member Since Jan-2010 | Jan 17th, 2010

This can be accomplished in following way:

Example: table - emp

For First n rows:

(SELECT empno,ename,job,row_number() over (order by ename desc) a
FROM emp) x
WHERE x.a < 5 --- say n is 5 display first 5 records

For last n rows:

(SELECT empno,ename,job,row_number() over (order by ename) a
FROM emp) x
WHERE x.a < 5


This query can be used for finding nth row also say n = 5

(SELECT empno,ename,job,row_number() over (order by ename desc) a
FROM emp) x
WHERE x.a = 5

Showing Answers 1 - 44 of 44 Answers

WEll Order by is not hte solution because you donot want the top 10 values of top 10 rankers in a class. I want the records to be in place as it is  and not the last 10 records/rows and first ten rows(this can be acheived throuw row num). please give answer for last ten rows...

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As per my understanding, oracle first fetch result set and then it will number records by rownum. So rownum can not be used to get first/last n rows

select *

from tab , (select count(*)  row_seq_no, <select all columns and alias them to column name_1 >  from tab group by <all columns>) tab1 , (select count(*) total_rows from tab) tab2

where tab.<column_name = tab1.<column_name_1> (for all columns) and row_seq_no <= 10

(for last 10 rows, (tab2. total_rows - row_seq_no <10)

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Got the working one but partial one indeed

select empno from (select empno,rownum l from emp) where l > (select max(rownum) - 10 from emp);

this will give you the last ten rows...but there is a problem

we have to specify individual column name or field name we want to empno,empid..But I donot know how to extract all of them at once like we do with

select * from emp; unfortunately select *,rownum from emp doesn't work...Hope to find a soultion for this...

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Can you  try this

select empno from (select * from emp) where rownum > (select max(rownum) - 10 from emp);

by the way, I am still confused. As per my understanind, Oracle first fetch rows from database as per conditions provided and before displaying it assigns ROWNUM...

is that true? If yes, then your query might not produce  correct result......please explain me

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  • Mar 31st, 2008

The LIMIT command is for MYSQL, Please use the command in proper datasystem system. I think it will solve the problem.

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for SQL server 2005 following is the query and it looks it worked for me

select * from

(select TOP 10 * from <Table_Name> where <Condition> order by [ID] desc)

as table order by

Id is the Primary key in the table

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  • Dec 16th, 2008

For top 10
select * from ( select item,pack_ind  from item_master  order  by item_level)where rownum <= 10

For last 10

select * from store_name where rownum <= (select max(rownum) from store) minus select * from storewhere rownum <= (select max(rownum)-5 from store);  

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Last ten:
select l, s.* from (select a.*, rownum l from hz_parties a) s where l > (select max(rownum) - 10 from hz_parties);

first ten
select l, s.* from (select a.*, rownum l from hz_parties a) s where l < (select min(rownum) + 10 from hz_parties);


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For first n row

select * from emp where rownum <=n

For last n row

select * from emp
select * from emp where rownum <=( select count(*)-n from emp)

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This can be accomplished in following way:

Example: table - emp

For First n rows:

(SELECT empno,ename,job,row_number() over (order by ename desc) a
FROM emp) x
WHERE x.a < 5 --- say n is 5 display first 5 records

For last n rows:

(SELECT empno,ename,job,row_number() over (order by ename) a
FROM emp) x
WHERE x.a < 5


This query can be used for finding nth row also say n = 5

(SELECT empno,ename,job,row_number() over (order by ename desc) a
FROM emp) x
WHERE x.a = 5


  • Jun 25th, 2010

To select last record from a table

select  * from department except
 select top ((select count(*) from department)-1) * from department

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First 5 rows:- Select * From (Select * From a12345_count_ex Order By 4 desc) Where rownum < 6;

last 5 rows:-
Select * From (Select * From a12345_count_ex Order By 4) Where rownum < 6;

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In Teradata,

TOP 5 rows:
sel top 2 * from emp order by salary asc;
Last 5 rows;
sel * from
(sel salary,row_number() over
(order by salary desc) rnk
 from emp) a
 where a.rnk<=5; 

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  • May 17th, 2012


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