Significance of an end-of-selection event

What is the significance of an end-of-selection event in report?
What will happen if we do not use the above said event.

Questions by nagaraj.abap

Showing Answers 1 - 8 of 8 Answers

This is the last of the events called by the runtime environment to occur. It is triggered after all of the data has been read from the logical database, and before the list processor is started. You can use the corresponding event block to process and format the data that the program has stored in internal tables or extracts during the various GET events.

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Anoop Satheesan

  • Jun 7th, 2012

When we use START_OF_SELECTION, the system understand that the user started accessing the database. And when we use END_OF_SELECTION system comes to know that the user stops accessing the database.
Even if you are not using the END_OF_SELECTION it is not a problem. But it will affect the performance of the report.

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  • Mar 17th, 2016

End of selection is required only when a logical database is used marked by the "Get" statement. It shows that the querying of the logical database has ended. In reports without logical database it is not necessary to add end-of-selection.

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