Web Testing Defect

Give an example of a unique or hard to find web defect that you have discovered while testing.

Questions by rpawar

Showing Answers 1 - 4 of 4 Answers


  • Feb 25th, 2008


I cannot say Unique but compared to Desktop applications, Web application testing is more challenging. There are many areas you can find issues. The areas being,
1. When testing keep checking the logs of webserver / application server. Lots of exceptions will be thrown.
2. Very frequently you can find Java Script errors. (If the application is built on Java related technologies)
3. Lots of GUI related issues when you are performing compatibility testing with browsers.
4. Page not found errors.
Hence when you are testing a web application you need to keep an eye on the above mentioned points. You may come up with new defects also which are not mentioned. So you can go ahead and log all those as bugs.

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1.Trying to make the application as Freeze
2. Trying to get "Page Cannot be found" message in loaded page.
3. find the Irregular functionality
4. broke the access previlage to different user

with different Test scenario..

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