Throw and throws

What is the difference between throw and throws

Questions by kulkarni85

Showing Answers 1 - 4 of 4 Answers


  • Mar 24th, 2008

if user program explicitly wants to throw an exception(inbuilt or userdefined) then throw keyword is used.
if the user program wants to throw an exception in a particular condition then throw
  keyword is used
    new AgeBarException();
    <write code>

if the user dont want to handle the exceptions , he can throws the exceptions using

public void myMethod() throws Exception{
the above method throws an exception which is not handled .

if another user uses the myMethod he have to handle that exception using try....catch...block

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  • Mar 24th, 2008

if user program explicitly wants to throw an exception(inbuilt or userdefined) then throw keyword is used.
if the user program wants to throw an exception in a particular condition then throw
  keyword is used
   throw  new AgeBarException();
    <write code>

if the user dont want to handle the exceptions , he can throws the exceptions using

public void myMethod() throws Exception{
the above method throws an exception which is not handled .

if another user uses the myMethod he have to handle that exception using try....catch...block

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