Unique Index and Simple Index

What is difference between unique index and simple index?is it possible, two rows can have the same unique index?

Questions by newqtp   answers by newqtp

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Unique Index:
If the index is for a primary or unique key then the owner, name, type, and columns cannot be modified. These properties are all derived from the key constraint. Changing the name of the key constraint will automatically change the name of the corresponding index, changing the constraint columns will change the corresponding columns for the index. The owner will always be the same as the owner of the table,

and the type of the index will always be unique.

Simple Index: If the index is created with out any constraint on a table it will be simple index.

Hope this answers your question.


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  • Mar 6th, 2012

index create on Primary key or unique key is Unique index where as index created on any other element is simple index

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