Delivery split due to different ship to party in line item of order?

We say different ship to party in line item leads to delivery split.But when entering order we enter one ship to party for a sold to party.Where from to the line items different ship to party come...?

Questions by anu.ambika

Showing Answers 1 - 10 of 10 Answers


  • Jan 6th, 2008

Delivery split is dine due to the following reason
1.Short of stock in the storage location
2.Due to different ship to party for the same order(in the line item)
3.Due to different transportation vendors may be for the same ship to pary(in the line item)
4.If items belongs to different warehouse numbers delivery split have to be done.

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Delivery Split may happen in line item of order due to following reasons, 
*   differenet ship to parties
*   different Shipping/ delivery date
*   different shipping poing
*   different route


  • Jul 17th, 2008

hi, when u enter a ship to at header level, that ship to will be valid for all the line items. However, at line item also we can maintain a different ship-to.

For example, if we enter Ship-To#A at header level with three line items, then A will default for the all the line items. if you change the defaluted Ship To from A to B for third line item, then the system will create two deliveries (for first two line items one delivery and for the third line item another delivery).

other factors that influence the order to generate different deliveries are:

Shipping point,

ship to party,

delivery date,

inco terms,


Please correct me if iam wrong.



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  • Sep 11th, 2008

The delivery may also be split when the schedule line date is different for different line items. Also if group delivery date is used, then this may also influence the delivery of the shipment.

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Hemadri naidu

  • Aug 11th, 2011

The delivery will split because of the following reasons: when

1. The ship to party address is different for line items in a same sales order.

2. If the shipping point is different for line items in a same sales order.

3. Delivery date is different for line items in a same sales order.

4.The route of the delivery items is different.

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