Functional consultant

What is the procedure for testing after implementation as a Functional consultant?

Questions by arameshofc   answers by arameshofc

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Functional guys are needed to provide the necessary information taken from clients or from the legacy system to the techies and rest. They will take care to provide necessary guidance and information given to them.

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Bonthu Nagi Reddy

  • Mar 5th, 2012

The functional consultant has to understand the modules they are implementing and the set up and configuration options available, the key skill is being able to map the requirements of the customer to the capabilities of the ERP system. A mistake often made is to try and configure or customize the ERP system to match exactly an existing business process, rather than look to improve the processes.

"A functional consultant is expected to generate knowledge about the current business process, design current business flows, study current business processes and its complication - in all we can say that this is getting through with the current business setup. Flow diagrams and Data Flow Diagrams are prepared, all this forms the part of the AS IS document."

"Everything configured has to be documented according to their categories in the form of predefined templates; these then have to be approved by the team leads or who ever the consultant is reporting to."
"Mapping and GAP analysis is done for each module."

"Before starting configuring future business processes in SAP, the DFDs/ERDs are prepared, this documentation is called TO BE, which can be also said as the result of mapping and gap analysis."

"Sometimes Functional consultants are also expected to prepare test scripts for testing the configured scenarios. Testing may also include Unit testing, System Integration Testing, Performance Testing, User Acceptance Testing, Regression Testing or any client specific software testing."

A configuration document showing all the setting done by the consultant is also comes under the area of role & responsibilities of consultant.

"End user manual and user training is also expected from Functional Consultants."

There will also be interaction with other modules consultants.

Updation of project status to Project Manager & other concerned persons.

Interaction with core team members, end users & other team members (consultants)

A Functional consultant has to be a good communicator he has to communicate with Customer ERP core team, implementing team, Technical consultant and his project leader.Written communication skill is to be demonstrate by a functional consultant to e-mail to different groups, documentation about the erp, reports generation.

Verbal communication is to understand the requirement , interact with customer, to explain and convince the customer.

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  • Dec 6th, 2012

3 types of testing is performed

1. System integration test (SIT/developer testing): To check configuration of system providing desired output from system.

2. Quality Assurance Testing (QAT): if something required upgradation, functional consultant do unnecessary changes to make it upto quality mark as required by business group.

3. User Acceptance Test (UAT): where user (business group) perform task in testing environment. gives sign off on roll out of application in live environment.

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  • Oct 13th, 2015

Hi Nagireddy,
Thanks for sharing nice detail information and appreciate your efforts.
Can you tell me what does mean by DFD/ERD documents which you have mentioned.

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Somendra Singh

  • Feb 27th, 2018

After implementation one should take a case of real scenario in order to check from end to end process
ex- in Case of P2P one should start with Requisition and end with Payments

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