What are the drawbacks of AD-HOC testing and ways to overcome them?

Questions by ranu agrawal

Showing Answers 1 - 10 of 10 Answers


  • Jan 3rd, 2008

The main drawback of Ad-Hoc testing is unstructured  and inconsistent level of performance. Also the testing dosen't go by rules. It is similarly to an error guessing methodology. It dosen't have test cases.

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  • Jan 3rd, 2008

ad-hoc testing is not organized, it's not repeatable, it can't be tracked, and when it's complete, there's no proof that it was ever done. carefully planing the test cases is a way to overcome them.

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It is a type of informal and random free style testing that is conducted on
an application without using the test case, and adhoc testing is done to to
cover the uncovered areas in the test case documents. Disadvantages of Adhoc

Unorganized testing

possibility of not covering of major functionality

can?t assume the time to work on the application

cant show the proof that so and so % of work has been covered cover

sometimes cant reproduce the bugs which I found.

With the help of a prepared Test case we can give some input data and
verifying the expected results, here we can analyze the application blindly by
following the Test cases, but it?s not possible with adhoc testing as you need
to keep a track of what kind of input has been given and based on that expected
should be analyzed and on executing you need to conclude whether that particular
adhoc test is passed or failed, to do these things without following predefined
test cases you need spend lots of time and should be more cautious.

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Ad-hoc testing supplements structured, functional black-box testing and is not meant to stand on its own. Typically, testers are asked to use their imaginations to find defects outside their structured tests. The drawbacks with ad-hoc testing are

1)  Test execution is not organized and testers can pursue identical paths, thereby making the process inefficient,
2)  Tests are not traceable, and after all is said and done, it really isn't known what has been tested outside the defects that have been logged,
3)  There is no means to ensure tester productivity during these exercises, and
4)  Crucial functional areas of the application may get overlooked.

How do you overcome the drawbacks of ad-hoc testing? You do this by ensuring that your structured, functional tests have been exhaustively completed before you move on to ad-hoc testing.

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