What is the difference between quality assurance and quality control?

Questions by ranu agrawal

Showing Answers 1 - 46 of 46 Answers


  • Jan 30th, 2008

Quality Assurance :

 - It is a Assurance activity,emphasizing on the standards and procedures to be followed while developing an application
- It is a Preventive action taken before hand to ensure the product that developed are defect free

- It is a systematic actions necessary to provide enough confidence that a product or service will satisfy the given requirements for quality.

Quality Control

- It is a Corrective action 
- Inspection if the developed application follows the standards and procedures by using the checklists.

With reference to some documents i posting the details about Quality Assurance.

Software QA involves the entire software development PROCESS - Monitoring and improving the process, making sure that any agreed-upon standards and procedures are followed, and ensuring that problems are found and dealth with. It is oreinted to 'Prevention'.


  • Mar 28th, 2008

QC/Testing - Is a process of evaluating a software system against the
predefined standards (requirements) with intension to find the defects.
QA - It deals with creation, implementation and continuous improvement of
processes employed in all phases of system development life cycle i.e


QA focuses on completeness and thoroughness in the methods and practices
followed for creating a software product, where as testing verifies the
incompleteness and deficiencies of the same product.


  • Jun 8th, 2008

Quality Assurance:
Simply it is "Am I building the product right way?"
Process oriented
Process to bring the quality product
Example - interview, walkthourghs, audits... etc.

Quality Control
Simply it is "Am I building the right product?"
Product orieneted.
Validating the application
Example - Testing an application

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Quality assurance is planed and systematic set of activities necessary to provide adequate confidence that products/services will confirm to the specified requirements. It is a staff function, Defect prevention based.

Quality control is the process in which product quality is compared with applicable standards and action will be taken when non conformance occurred. It is a line function, Defect design based.


  • Aug 24th, 2009

- QA makes sure that we are doing the right things in the right way.
- QC makes sure that whatever we have done, is as per the requirements.

- QA is process oriented.
- QC is product oriented.

- QA establishes precess.
- QC implements process.

- QA is the resposibilty of entire team.
- QC is the responsibility of tester.

Quality assurance (QA) is about process.  It is the systematic establishment and monitoring of processes designed to improve quality throughout an organization.  The two major aspects of QA are 1) to ensure products and services are "fit for purpose" and that errors in processes are minimized. Code peer reviews, walkthroughs, and code inspections are examples of quality assurance. 

Quality control (QC) deals directly with a product or service.  It is a process through which quality performance is measured, compared it to standards, and actions are taken to close the differences. Test design, execution and defect reporting are examples of quality control. 

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  • Sep 21st, 2011

Quality Control is for Process quality &

Quality Assurance is for Product quality.

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  • Nov 26th, 2015

QA is a process control through to control of product defect, QC is a defect product to control through & QC tools.

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sanddep joshi

  • May 2nd, 2016

Quality assurance is the process we plan before manufacturing. Product control and Quality control is the process after manufacturing, product control with tolerance and costumer demand.

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  • Aug 11th, 2016

Quality assurance is a set of activities involved in process and quality control is set of activities involved in the product

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  • Oct 13th, 2016

QA / Quality Assurance is a systematic procedure which provides confidence to fulfill the requirement.
QC / Quality Procedure is which uses operational technique to full fill the requirement.
QA is a pro-active nature while QC is re-active in nature.

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  • Oct 31st, 2016

QA maintain in process for standard.
QC maintain the good quality for productivity.

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AMIT kr. meena

  • Dec 22nd, 2016

Quality Control is the corrective measures taken after the production and the quality assurance is process based preventive approach to improve the quality.

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paramjeet singh devda

  • Jan 14th, 2017

QA or Quality Assurance Department in which verify all the documentation which provided by the QC department after tacking all test parameter a annalist complete their documentation as per result which must be in fixed criteria.

and QC or Quality Control is the department where maintain all the quality test from row material to final product QC play a important roll in the production of a quality product.

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Zedicus Zud Zolander

  • Jan 31st, 2017

QC is products oriented and QA is process oriented.

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Sandeep Bhardwaj

  • May 5th, 2017

- QA makes sure that we are doing the right things in the right way.
- QC makes sure that whatever we have done, is as per the requirements.
- QA is process oriented.
- QC is product oriented.
- QA establishes precess.
- QC implements process.
- QA is the resposibilty of entire team.
- QC is the responsibility of tester.

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Darshilkumar Kamleshbhai Patel

  • May 16th, 2017

QA = its a Process Oriented
QC = Its A Product Oriented

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Vibhuti Mishra

  • Jul 5th, 2017

Quality control is the process of identity the defect and quality assurance is a process of improvement
Quality control is reactive Action quality assurance is a protective action
QC is a set of activities to ensure quality in product
QA is set of activities to ensure the quality in process when product are develop
QC aim to identify the defect in FG
QA aim to prevent product during development
QC is action of validation
QA is action of verification
QC is corrective tool QA is managerial tool
QC is product orientation
QA is process orientated

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Abhishek jha

  • Jan 11th, 2018

Quality control take CORRECTIVE ACTION during production,
Quality Assurance take PREVENTIVE ACTION during development or after production (for completely prevention, if any defect arise)

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