Data Structure - character that repeats itself

Given a string of characters (let us say there are about 100 characters or more in the string), what is the most efficient method to use for finding out the character that repeats itself the most?Is it possible for us to use some kind of data structure for this?, if this is so,which is the best one that needs to be used?

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Th solution I can think of is of complexity O(n) by using an additional array of size 26.

Scan the entire array and increase the counter for the respective characters. After the scan is done we need another scan of those counters to find the maximum one and that will be the chanracter with maximum frequency. this will also take O(n) time.

I am eager to a get solution better than this..:-)

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  • Feb 8th, 2008

#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int i=0,l,big,ascii,counter[300],value;
char s[100];
for(i=0;i<300;i++) counter[i]=0;
printf("nEnter the string : ");
printf("String = %s",s);
printf("nlength = %dnn",l);
    ascii = s[i];
    final = ascii;
big = counter[0]; 
   if (counter[i]>big)
    big = counter[i];
    value = i;
 printf(" %c is max repeated letter for %d timesn",value,big);

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Key points are:
1) Max number of characters can only be 256.
2) There is need to specify only the character repeating max no. of times.

so i think one simple solution can be:

#include <stdio.h>


#define MAXNUMCHAR 256
void main()


int i=0;

char s[100];

char ascii = 0;

int counter[MAXNUMCHAR] = {0};

char max = 0;

int maxNum = 0;printf(

"nEnter the string : ");


printf("String = %sn",s);for(i=0; s[i] != ''; i++)


ascii = s[i];


if (counter[ascii] > max) {

max = counter[ascii];

maxNum = ascii;



printf(" %c is max repeated letter for %d timesn", maxNum, max);



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I have an opinion that a hash table with indexing based on the ascii values of the characters would bring the complexity down further and would add some time benefits as well.

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  • Apr 3rd, 2008

There is an way to solve this issue with complexity of O(n).

1.  MAke an array size of 256

2.  Using each charater read from the string as an index incremented the counter of corresponding character.

3.  Let that counter be max, so inshort you have variables holding a char with number of times repeated in the string.

4.  Repeat the proceess for all the characters and compare it with current max counter, if maximum change it

There might be posibility of more than one charater haivng same max counter, problem don't ask for such situation, any way for an interview keep it precise guys!!

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  • Oct 23rd, 2009

There is no way for less that O(n) solution as we have to traverse the string atleast once.

By traversing only once we can find the solution

Keep another variable which tracks the current highest occured character.

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