The following code fails. Why?

int a = 5;
int b = 5;

object oa = a;
object ob = b;

Debug.Assert(oa == ob, "oa is not equal ob");

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the main reason behind the code failure is using == operartor instead of Equal.
when we are using == than the refrence object should be same.
we are comapring refrence of a and b but instead if we use this code than == return true

int a=5;
int b=5;

object o1=a;
object o2=a;


other way----------------

int a=5;
int b=5;

object o1=a;
object o2=b;


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  • Aug 19th, 2011

The "==" operand on the 2 int's is comparing value types. Here the content is compared.

After boxing the value types into objects, i.e. reference types, the "==" operand compares the references (memory adresses) of both objects. And even though they both point to a value of 5 somewhere in memory, they each point to their own "stored number 5 in memory).

As other stated, you have to use Equals to copare their content.

(Would be fun to modify the question to use an ArrayList (boxed values) and ask if it would make a difference if we used the Generic list List)

  1. span style="font-style: italic;">// true

  2.             Debug.WriteLine(valueTypeA.Equals(valueTypeB)); // true

  3.             Debug.WriteLine(valueTypeB.Equals(valueTypeA)); // true


  5.             object boxedA = valueTypeA;

  6.             object boxedB = valueTypeB;


  8.             Debug.WriteLine(boxedA.Equals(boxedB)); // true

  9.             Debug.WriteLine(boxedB.Equals(boxedA)); // true


  11.             Debug.WriteLine(boxedA == boxedB); // false


  13.             // Addendum to the question to show the difference between the old arraylist and the

  14.             // generic list (which doesn't box if it is a value type)

  15.             var arrayList = new ArrayList { valueTypeA, valueTypeB };

  16.             Debug.WriteLine(arrayList[0] == arrayList[1]); // false as they are boxed// true because generics keep the value type

  17.         }


  • Oct 17th, 2013

Given code fails bcoz. debug result is wrong.. Please see below

int a = 5;
int b = 5;

object oa = a;
object ob = b;

Debug.Assert(oa != ob, "oa is not equal ob"); --- gets skipped

Debug.Assert(oa == ob, "oa is equal ob"); --- gets executed

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