What is the difference between TCP/IP and NETBEUI protocol?

Questions by vickeyab

Showing Answers 1 - 6 of 6 Answers


  • Nov 21st, 2007

The main difference is that NetBEUI is a non-routeable protocol so there is no moving packets from one network to another, TCP/IP on the other hand is routeable so you can connect multiple networks to share info and Frag!
The internet is basically a bunch of TCP/IP networks connected together!

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  • Sep 10th, 2008

Even though they are both network protocols, TCP/IP works on large, routed networks, and is used on the vast majority of modern enterprise networks, as well as the Internet. NetBEUI is an outdated network protocol useful only for older versions of Windows networks that reside on a single LAN.

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  • Mar 25th, 2009

A protocol like NetBEUI does not use any logical addressing, and isn’t routable. because when a router comes across a NetBEUI packet, it has no way of determining where the destination host resides, since a NetBEUI packet does not include a logical destination address, only a name in comparison TCP/IP includes the name and destination address so it easier for routing.

NETBEUI protocol cannot be routed; this means that communication between NetBEUI hosts is limited to occurring within a single non-routed network. Obviously that limits NetBEUI’s usefulness on a large internetwork.

Infact Netbeui packets are smaller than TCP/IP packets and as such travel faster since they have less overhead and have less to read

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