What is the difference between JavaBean and EJB

Answer posted by Mohan on 2005-05-20 08:40:04: Java Beans is intra-process component 
where as EJB is an Inter-Process component 
JavaBeans is particularly well-suited for asynchronous, intra-application communications among software

Showing Answers 1 - 11 of 11 Answers


  • Apr 17th, 2005

Java Beans architecture is meant to provide a format of general-purpose components. But Enterprise Bean Architecture is meant to provide a format of highly specialized business logic components.

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  • May 20th, 2005

Java Beans is intra-process component 
where as EJB is an Inter-Process component 
JavaBeans is particularly well-suited for asynchronous, intra-application communications among software

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J. P. Naidu

  • Jul 28th, 2005

EJB is designed to work in distributed environment using rmi/iiop protocol where as JavaBean is standalone and works only in the same JVM. 
Implicit services are provided to EJb by the Container, in which it si deployed according to EJB contract but in JavaBean we need to code all these services

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  • Aug 5th, 2005

Java Beans and EJBs are used for different purposes altogether, though both specifications are provided by Sun micro Systems. Java Beans are mainly meant for building extendable components and typically contain getters and setters for all its data members, along with other required functionality. EJBs are server side programs that typically implement middle layer business functionality, providing 3 - layer architecture for applications. EJBs can be Entity,Session or Message depending on the required functionality. Most of the critical services are provided by EJB containers and thus allowing the programmmer to concentrate on the business logic on hand.


  • Sep 23rd, 2005

java bean is a client side programme.it will be having a interface.But ejb is server side it may or may not be interface.

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  • Sep 29th, 2005

To put it in simple terms...

Javabean is a reusable component. Common type of GUI components like Swing button can be quoted as an example.

EJB is also reusable component. But the difference is that the bean part of javabean is used mostly at developement time whereas bean part of EJB starts off at runtime. Regular Javabean runs in a JVM while the EJB bean runs under the control of EJB container(Server). 


  • Oct 14th, 2005

n clients can access on ly ejb but not java beans,java beans do not follow the archi of n tier archichtere

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  • Oct 21st, 2005

Just some notes from a book I read:

JavaBean define a model for creating general-purpose components that are typically used on the client side. Those components may or may not contain a user interface.

EJBs define a server-side component fro creating highly specialized business logic components. EJB components don't have GUI.


  • Dec 14th, 2005

JavaBeans- are reuseable,non-deployable components. They can't exist independently.EJB - are deployable, reuesable, server side components. They can exist independently or in integration with other components.


  • Sep 12th, 2008

JavaBean :

1. Low-level approach for developing re-usable components for building different Java applications (Applets, stand-alone applications etc.).
2. Java Beans runs in a JVM, just like other normal java class


1. High-level approach to build Distributed java applications & its an Re-usable server-side component

2. EJB runs under the control of EJB Container


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